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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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2017 年開始提供服務,目標很簡單,就是展示我們設計師應該為開源社群做出貢獻,幫助每個人擁有美觀的設計能力。unDraw 出乎意料地成長,並被 Google、Microsoft、Facebook、哈佛商學院等機構使用,還與 Adobe 展開了一些很酷的合作,且被一個真正開放的社群所採納,該社群包括設計師、開發者和內容創作者,每天都在各種獨特且意想不到的產品、專案和方式中使用它。

Launched in 2017, with the simple goal to show that we designers should contribute to the open-source community, to help bring beautiful design abilities to everyone. unDraw has grown unexpectedly to be used by organisations like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Harvard Business School, started something cool with Adobe and has been adopted by a truly open community that includes designers, developers and content creators, using it everyday in unique and unexpected products, projects and ways.

Captain Lin
Captain Lin

Captain Lin

Articles: 55